
Halo Olgeta! Welcome to the Department of Climate Change (DOCC) website. A platform for the Department of Climate Change to share information and interact with you.

We provide an overview of the Department's roles and functions, location and key highlights of the activities carried out since its establishment in January 2019. Other relevant information’s on activities implemented by various projects around the country through the various climate change and resilience projects through the DOCC Project Management Unit (PMU). We hope you will find it to be informative and interesting to read.

I am excited to have you on board as we journey and build together in from now and beyond. The sky is our limit and the vision is to Build a Sustainable and Climate Resilient Vanuatu; and evolve into an institution that is well represented and deliver on time for its government and people into the near future.

Tankio tumas

Nelson Kalo
Acting Director
Department of Climate Change

Featured Projects

The Department of Climate Change is engaged in multiple projects across the country. Here are some of our more recent projects.

Frequently Asked Questions
