LnD Policy

Consultation Draft of Vanuatu’s Loss & Damage Policy Framework and Implementation Roadmap

While Vanuatu is a global leader in Loss & Damage Policy and innovation, the nation does not yet have a standalone Loss & Damage Policy or a well articulated framework for addressing the wide ranging and worsening climate impacts affecting Vanuatu.

At the request of the Government of Vanuatu, the Global Green Growth Institute and the UK's Small Island Developing States Capacity and Resilience Programme (SIDAR) have supported Vanuatu’s Ministry of Climate Change to develop this consultation draft to provide a high-level and forward looking programme of action to guide Vanuatu’s evolving loss and damage commitments and on-ground action in 11 key thematic areas:

  • Governance of Loss and Damage
  • Assessment of Loss and Damage
  • Programmatic Approach to Address Loss and Damage
  • Economic and Non-Economic Loss and Damage
  • Extreme, Rapid and Slow-Onset Events
  • Locally Led Action and Traditional Knowledge to Address Loss & Damage
  • Displacement, Relocation and Human Mobility
  • Uncertainty, Tipping Points, Extreme Future Risks
  • Climate Justice, Protecting Human Rights and Upholding to International Legal Obligations
  • Loss & Damage Finance and Means of Implementation
  • International Engagement and Advocacy

Importantly, this Framework also provides a clear theoretical framework for understanding the linkages among climate GHG mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian action and long term recovery stakeholders and initiatives, and provides a clear definitional framing that improves understanding of a complex and crowded development space.

The following document is NOT government policy, and is a consultation draft only. Feedback and suggestions are accepted.

Consultation Draft

Web Viewable PDF embedded below, and document download link.

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