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REDD+ Project

REDD+ Project

Majority of the population of Vanuatu and especially the rural population in the islands still depend very much on the forests for their livelihood. The forests are an important part of their live and are the only source for their livelihood and way of life. The forests in the islands play an important function ecologically to the terrestrial and marine environment. With the disturbance by nature or unsustainable practices can cause great impact to the environment and the livelihood of the people in the islands.

With the global and regional outlook for the impact of the Climate Change the Nation of Vanuatu is no exception in witnessing the impact to the resources including the forests and livelihood of the people.

The establishment of DOCC by the Government marks a significant achievement in the history of Vanuatu to join the world in contributing to combat the adverse impact of Climate Change through the sector of Forestry through the Vanuatu Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degraded forests or the REDD+.

The overall aim of the Vanuatu REDD+ program is to achieve the Sustainable Management of the Forest resources in addressing an improved livelihood of the people of Vanuatu and in particular the rural population living and depending on the forests. Ultimately in the process of achieving the sustainable management of the forest resources will effectively be contributing to addressing impact of Climate Change at National, Regional and Global level.

Vanuatu REDD+ project was initiated in 2010 and funded by the World Bank program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). This was done through the World Bank’s approval of Vanuatu’s Readiness Plan Idea Note (P-IN) and supporting the Readiness Grant (USD 200,000).

The Vanuatu Government is grateful for the genuine assistance from the World Bank FCPF program in supporting the funding of the Readiness Preparation Proposal.

For Vanuatu to be able to successfully implement its REDD+ project and observe the positive impact it will be necessary to get the support for the additional funding of US$ 3.586,080. This fund will be vital to support the other components of the Readiness Preparation Proposal.

The Department of Climate Change is committed to successfully implementation of the Vanuatu REDD+ Project in collaboration with the Department of Forestry as the main implementing government agency.


07 August 2020


