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Technical Needs Assessment for Climate Change Project

Technical Needs Assessment for Climate Change Project

The TNA process originates from the Poznan Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer established at the Fourteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 14) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with the aim to scale up investment in technology transfer thus enabling developing countries to address their needs for environmentally sound technologies

A TNA can be defined as a set of country-driven, participatory activities leading to the identification, selection and implementation of environmentally sound technologies to decrease CO2 emissions (mitigation) and/or to decrease vulnerability to climate change (adaptation).2 As a country-driven process it should not be conducted in isolation but rather integrated with other similar ongoing processes aiming to support national sustainable development

The TNAs are also a participatory process and thus it is crucial to involve all relevant stakeholders, on the assumption that any given technology is more likely to be understood, accepted, supported and implemented at all relevant levels, i.e. from government ministries through to farmers or households, if all stakeholders are involved throughout the TNA. However, it is important to understand that stakeholders are different in nature (because they represent different interest groups) and should therefore occupy different roles, at different moments, in the TNA process; identifying them at an early stage is key to successful involvement and engagement.

The TNA process has three main objectives:

  1. To identify and prioritise mitigation/adaptation technologies for selected sectors/sub-sectors
  2. To identify, analyse and address barriers hindering the deployment and diffusion of the prioritised technologies including enabling the framework for the said technologies
  3. To articulate, based on the inputs obtained from the two previous steps, a Technology Action Plan (TAP) with suggested measures/actions presented in terms of project idea


23 January 2015


